Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Albert Einstein

 Albert Einstein

Early Life

He was born the 14th of March of 1879 in Germany. In 1880 his family moved to Munich, where he was raised up to fourteen years. From the beginning, Einstein showed some difficulty in expressing himself since he didn´t speak until he was three years old, some people even started thinking that he had a delay that would cause him problems. He attended his primary studies in a Catholic school. He usually had good grades, not so much in language subjects but excellent in natural sciences. 

Professional Life

Einstein finished high school in 1896, at the age of sixteen. That same year he renounced his German citizenship presumably to avoid military service. One year later, Einstein entered the Federal Polytechnic school in Switzerland, probably the most important center for the study of science in central Europe. In 1900 he graduated and in 1901 he got his Switzerland citizenship. His biggest discovery is his equation      E = mc , which states that energy and mass are the same thing.

Personal Life

In October 1896 he met Mileva Maric, a classmate with feminist and radical disposition with whom he fell in love. After they graduated, in 1902 he had a daughter with Mileva called Liserl. A year later, Einstein and Mileva married the 6th of January of 1903. In 1904 they had another child called Hans Albert Einstein. In 1910 they had another son called Eduard. On February 14, 1919, at the age of thirty-nine he got divorced from Mileva, after a marriage of sixteen years, and a few months later he married his cousin, Elsa Loewenthal (they didn´t have any children). The 16th of April of 1955 Albert experienced an internal abdominal bleeding. He refused the surgery saying that he wont prolog his life artificially and that he would die gracefully. He died the 18th of April of 1955 at the age of seventy-six.


I chose this scientist because he is considered one of the bests scientists and I didn´t know a lot about him so I searched and I found it interesting.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Newspaper Opinion

I think the newspaper "Ournews LCS" was the best. It included a very nice oral presentation and It was really clean and attractive. I really liked the drawings and the organization with diferent colors. Each person knew their part and were organized un the speaking aspect. The activity was good, at the beggining I didn't quite understand it very well allthought, at the end It was really easy. 

Monday, December 9, 2019


Thomas Edison was a great inventor born in Ohio, USA. He invented really important things such as the incandescent lightbulb, the phonograph or the motion picture camera, but apart from this big and important inventions, he also invented other things such as the film, the kinetoscope, the phonomotor, etc...

Professional Life

Thomas Edison is considered one of the greatest american inventors or directly the best. He worked as a telegraph operator. Thomas invented things that changed the modern life. His inventions belong to the fields of electric power generatores, mass comunication, sound recording and motion pictures. His most important inventions include the lightbulb, the phonograph and the motion picture camera. Thomas also established the first industrial research laboratory.

Image result for thomas edison light bulb

The incandescent lightbulb was
 invented in 1879, but, Edison´s
 Company started marketing 
them in 1880 when they 
discovered that carbonized
 bamboo lasted 1200 hours.

Image result for phonograph

The phonograph was invented 
in 1877, while different inventors
 were thinking in devices to record
 music, Thomas was  trying to figure
 out a way to reproduce the recorded 

Image result for motion picture camera invention

The motion picture camera was
 invented in 1892, in 1893 they
 showed the first commercial and
  Edison started showing his films.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Personal Life

Image result for thomas edison

Thomas Edison was born the 11th of February, 1847 in Ohio and died the 18th of October 1931 in New Jersey, beacause of diabetes. Thomas was the smallest kid in the family, he had 6 more siblings. He attended school for a few months, but, was then teached by his mother. Most of his learning came from reading philosofy books and attending chemistry clases. He developed hearing problems at a young age. This hearing problems where caused by infections on the middle ear and other things that affected him as a child,  but he decided to change the story of the reason why he was allmost deaf. Thomas used a method to hear piano sounds by bitting wood to help him reacive the sound waves. He got married twice and had 6 children {3 with each marriage}, his first marriage was done when he was 24 years old and the second was done at his age of 39. Four of his children where boys and the other two girls.

Saturday, December 7, 2019


Today I'm going to be talking about a really famous and important american scientist/inventor. His inventions really influenced people's lifes. He lived between the 19th and 20th centuries. One of his most important inventions even gave people the chance to have light home and not to only depend on the sunlight.