Monday, December 9, 2019

Professional Life

Thomas Edison is considered one of the greatest american inventors or directly the best. He worked as a telegraph operator. Thomas invented things that changed the modern life. His inventions belong to the fields of electric power generatores, mass comunication, sound recording and motion pictures. His most important inventions include the lightbulb, the phonograph and the motion picture camera. Thomas also established the first industrial research laboratory.

Image result for thomas edison light bulb

The incandescent lightbulb was
 invented in 1879, but, Edison´s
 Company started marketing 
them in 1880 when they 
discovered that carbonized
 bamboo lasted 1200 hours.

Image result for phonograph

The phonograph was invented 
in 1877, while different inventors
 were thinking in devices to record
 music, Thomas was  trying to figure
 out a way to reproduce the recorded 

Image result for motion picture camera invention

The motion picture camera was
 invented in 1892, in 1893 they
 showed the first commercial and
  Edison started showing his films.

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